Saturday, February 5, 2011

Artlemi #7

Hello Artels,
Everything starts with a simple idea. The urge of achievement ignites the execution. Human needs inspire a brilliant mind and revolution comes. Everything we have around us today is simply a result of an evaluating revolution, outcome of an idea.

The idea was to make a machine with wings that human can fly and today we have jets flying with the speed of sound. A giant sized machine occupying a whole building just to calculate, evaluated to computers that we can now carry in our pocket. Telephone, television and many more human necessities was a simple idea indeed. Look around and you will see nothing but evolutions of those inventions.

When I first came to know about the difference between invention and discovery as a child, it knocked something in my mind. Two almost similar human urges divided by a thin but strong wall of imagination and idea. Discovery is finding what was already here but we didn’t know about, it is the result of the search for unknown. A new country, an unknown planet, the exact atmosphere before big bang and many more unknowns are waiting to be discovered. In other hand, innovation is developing an idea and creating what was hidden in the heart of future. It’s about assembling our knowledge and resources, mixing them, breaking and recreating them, just to have something great coming out of a simple thought.

Anyways, I am not here to teach you differences. I want to share something I am feeling these days. May be because of my very little knowledge about what’s going on around the world (trust me, that is exactly what I want it to be), I am feeling that there are not much of life changing inventions coming through; Inventions that can change our everyday life, the world around us. Just like the invention of wheel speeded our human race to development. We are growing up surrounded by gifts of science created by our previous generations. Can we think about our life without TVs, computers or telephones? I don’t think we can and that’s where my question comes- “What is our generation leaving for our future generations that they can’t live without?”

I know what you are thinking, developing what we have and taking it to the next level is also a way to make our future simpler and easier and we are actually doing great even without new inventions. If you think so, consider this- a new invention always comes as a solution to an old problem and developing those inventions are actually an act of improving the solutions but not an answer to new problems that should be solved. Hunger, war, poverty, and many more threatening problems are waiting to be solved. As I said before, everything starts with a simple idea.

I know there is a huge possibility that my knowledge has failed me with this piece of writing but when Stephen Hawkins said ‘we have nothing more to invent’, then I think I am not that much wrong. Pulling out an article like this is never easy for an amateur “writer’ like me but I knew from the beginning; if Mandela, after spending almost 30 years in a tiny cell, can come out forgiving those who put him there, my readers can forgive me for the attempt.

**P.S: Many people are claiming that ‘Sixth sense interface’ is a new invention but I kind of felt that it actually is a development, a great straight from the science fiction development but development indeed.

Hope I have not bored you with my writing; just let me know if I did.

Bye till the 3rd Sunday of this month

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